Electrical Control & Protection

HPI Energy Service Offerings

  • Generator Excitation Control
  • Static Exciters
  • Brushless Exciters
  • Power System Stabilization
  • Generator Protection Systems
  • Transformer Protection Systems
  • Bus Protection Systems
  • Relay Coordination Studies and Protection Relay Configuration
  • Dynamic Response and Stability Training

Our Experience

HPI Energy is an industry leader in providing innovative and modern solutions for turbines and associated systems of nearly every make and model. HPI has completed control system retrofits and upgrades on all major turbine and compressor manufacturers and models, including the following:

General Electric | Rolls Royce | Solar | Pratt & Whitney | Westinghouse | Siemens
Ruston | ABB | Mashproekt | Mitsubishi | Orenda | Waukesha | Caterpillar | Wartsila

HPI Energy Advantage:

Why entrust your high-dollar turbine operations with HPI Energy?

  • Performance Driven
    • We have a proven track record of improving reliability and availability year on year. As your single point of contact, we are able to provide support 24/7.
  • Budget Management
    • Freedom from the OEM restores your budgeting power. Reduce your maintenance costs through our a la carte services or turnkey managed services such as Asset Management, Long Term Service Agreements (LTSA), Operation & Maintenance Packages (O&M). Our relationship with parts suppliers permits shorter lead times on critical components and spares, saving you time and money.
  • Root Cause Analysis
    • Restoring your operations after a failure is important, however, addressing the root of the issue is critical. Let our team of experts analyze the situation and provide a solution that remedies the issue entirely, not just temporarily.
  • Retrofit & Modernize
    • Few companies can provide experience like ours to retrofit and modernize systems and tailor it to your site-specific operations. HPI Energy works with nearly every make and model of aero-derivative turbine (and its associated equipment and control systems) to prevent maturing components from reaching failure through compatible replacements, additions of protective ancillary equipment, and modernization of alarm monitoring & notification systems (i.e. digital transformation).